All posts by jjunglen

Blog 8 – John Paul Junglen – The Vancouver House

The final building, we are going to discuss is The Vancouver House in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. This building finished construction in 2016. The design of this building is based on a triangle then when you go up the building the triangle becomes more rectangular. Until you get to the top where it becomes a traditional rectangular housing layout. Every unit has a balcony protruding out making the exterior of buildings look like a honeycomb. The category of the building is neo-futurist style to it.

Blog 7 – John Paul Junglen – VM Buildings

The third building created by Bjarke Ingles. The building is referred as the VM Houses. Once again, this building is located in Copenhagen, Denmark. The house project consists of two adjacent apartment buildings. The reason why they are called “VM Housing” is because, one was shaped like a V and the other was a M. The VM Houses was one of Ingles’ first building at this scale. The triangular structures protruding out of the building are courtyards the reasoning behind why they were triangles was because that’s all their budget could pay for.

Blog 6 – John Paul Junglen – The Mountain Dwellings


The next building made by Bjarke Ingles. This architectural masterpiece is called Mountain Dwellings also in Copenhagen, Denmark. Each apartment has their own “back yard” with a lawn, but there is a twist. It’s on their roofs. The building is placed on top of the diagonally built parking garage. He made this diagonally because he wanted to create an artificial mountain facing south. The total number of penthouses located in this building is eighty the layout of the apartments is L-shaped.

Blog 5 – John Paul Junglen – The Big 8

The architect I got was Bjarke Ingles. This building is called The Big 8, and it is located in Copenhagen, Denmark. It gets its name from it particular figure-eight build to it. The building is huge with a square footage of sixty-one thousand. It is a mixer of businesses and housing residency. Housing being at the top floors and businesses being on the bottom floors. The benefits of having residential at the top are the view, sunlight, and fresher air.

Blog #4 – John Paul Junglen – Times Square/New York City

Times Square/New Yor City was the coolest collection of architecture I have seen in person. I went in December of 2018. Being from Oklahoma the first time looking up at all of the skyscrapers was pretty overwhelming. Walking through on the street with building on both sides of the street really makes you think you are in a concrete jungle. The most notable places were Times Square and The Rockefeller Center. I chose Times Square because even though there were advertisement billboards on each of the buildings, it didn’t take away from the overall beauty of each building. Secondly, The Rockafeller Center in December from the Giant Christmas Tree to the mall that at the bottom of the building  and lastly the magnitude of the actual building. It was the best overall skyscraper that I got to saw in NYC.

Blog #3 – John Paul Junglen – 11713 SW 3rd Street

My old stomping grounds, as you can see in this photo this place is located in Yukon, OK. From when I was 12 until 17 I lived here. The layout of this house had a huge living room right as you walked in. On the right, the kitchen, dining room, and garage are located. On the left, is all the bedrooms. There were some interesting parts of this house that made it unique. An example of this is how the roof was so high then just dropped off on the other side at a steep angle. It overall is a simplistic build in the eyes of an architect, but I have many good memories of this house. There were mostly good memories with my family and friends during important moments of my life. It was a house that all the essentials and looking back on it, I have no complaints.

Blog #2 – John Paul Junglen – Norman North Highschool

Norman North High School was built in 1997. It was the second high school built in the Norman. When you walk into these doors, you are welcomed to a big cafeteria. It has changed since I graduated in 2015. I believe it has added a freshman center, and it is now more spacious with more windows. It needed a more open concept because before there were minimal windows in each classroom. Although I only spent my senior year at Norman North, I have only good memories of this place. I moved because I wanted a chance to win a state championship. I have met all my closest friends at Norman North. I would not of have been in the situation I am today without this place.

Blog # 1 John Paul Junglen – Red Rocks Amphitheater

Rock Rocks was built in 1941, and seats roughly 10,000 people. It was a man made stucture out of mother nature’s creation. The architect that made this ampitheatre was Burnham Hoyt. His vision was to preserve the natural beauty of the land around the ampitheatre.

I was born in Colorado Springs, CO. The Red Rocks Amphitheater was an influential place for me growing up as a kid. I grew up in Colorado for the first eleven years of my life. I remember my dad would take me to Red Rocks every month. He was big into music, and would always say that this is the most beautiful place to listen to your favorite artist. After moving to Oklahoma when I was twelve, I have not been back to Red Rocks until this September. It was truely the best venue I have ever been to.