All posts by Hatch_jacob

Blog 8-Jacob Hatch – Kanchanjunga Apartments by Charles Correa

This is a 28 story condominium that has 32 luxury apartments it is located in Mumbai, India and opened in 1974. This looks like a simple apartment building with a garden terrace and a great city view but for the design of this building is much more complex. The best view is the east-west axis which is of the Arabian sea and the harbor and from this you can also feel the sea breeze but the only problem with this is the hot afternoon suns and the hard monsoon rains. To work with the climate and the location Charles had it at the east-west axis and had a bungalow wrap around the main living area so with this the garden would act as a buffer for the sun and rain all while thriving from it.

Blog 7-Jacob Hatch – Champalimaud Center for the Unknown by Charles Correa

This building is a medical research center in Lisbon, Portugal and is was constructed in 2010. This facility is comprised of two buildings the first having research labs and treatment rooms and the second having an auditorium and exhibition area. The design of this building is very interesting it has curved walls and rounded edges all over and a very open design with large windows, glass walls, and a outdoor amphitheater. When thinking of the design for this center Charles wanted something more from it the sole purpose of this facility is to treat people and he wanted to help with that while also having a beautiful design. Inside are small walk ways filled with flowers and trees with a open ceiling and another would be the view of the ocean outside and this is good for the building because those who could be recovering can feel relaxed here still being able to be with nature without feeling trapped.

Blog 6-Jacob Hatch – Jawahar Kala Kendra by Charles Correa

This art center is located in Jaipur, India and was constructed in 1986 and is dedicated to Nehru India’s first prime minister. This building was actually inspired by two people the first being Maharaja Jai Singh who built the city of Jaipur and had two conflicting ideas for the image of the city the ancient Navgraha (the mandala of the nine plantes) and the newest myths if science and progress. The second person is Jawaharlal Nehru India’s first prime minister and when he came to that position after independence he wanted to rediscover India’s past while also moving forward to the future. With those in mind the building design was inspired by the notion of the cosmos and how the city of Jaipur was designed played a part in creating this building.

Blog 5-Jacob Hatch- Tube House by Charles Correa

This is the tube house designed by Charles Correa and located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat India and made in 1961-1962. Even thought the Gujarat Housing Board specified walk-up apartments Charles designed a low cost house that provided the same density and large living space for families and won first prize. The even though the design of this house is simplistic it has a lot that goes into it having natural ventilation having the hot air rise and exit the house through the roof and still being spacious enough for large families. Even though this house has almost no doors the privacy for this house is created by the different levels.

Jacob Hatch-Blog 4-Mansfield High School

The high school that I had attended before coming to college is Mansfield High School and even though my time there was still fun in the end there where also times that where not as fun. This is one of the older buildings in Mansfield that has been maintained and still in use the design is simply not good at all from some of the rooms having no natural light to small rooms. Since the building is more rectangular not many classes rooms get natural light especially if you are in the center and the unfortunate thing is that after that class my mood is almost ruined and I am already more exhausted at the start of the day than towards the end. Even though it helps that they have large windows at the end of some hallways it almost feels like a prison from small cramped class rooms to a majority of the rooms receiving no natural light.

Jacob Hatch-Blog 3-Couch Resturants

One building that has truly impacted my life here at OU is the couch restaurants AKA “the cafe”. This has to be one of my more favorite buildings at OU because the way it is design is not supposed to just be a place to eat its a place to try new foods and socialize from many different types of food to the many TVs they have around the interior of the building. The way the cafe is set up is a wonderful idea because as the you move from one side of the building it feels as if I am getting a new cultural food experience even though the food is not authentic. With all the large open windows also makes it feel bigger than it actual is so it doesn’t feel so closed off and feel like its just a place to eats it’s more than that.

Jacob Hatch-blog 2-The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History

The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History has always been a happy place ever since I was a kid. Even with the redesign of this building being finished in 2009 this new building has brought me even more joy. With the large open rooms it allows for the interchanging of exhibits and activities for everyone to do with the older exhibits in the back while the up stairs is used to present the new exhibits. With this design it gives was for lots of natural light to enter the building and really shine a new light on some old history or a new exhibit they might have.

Jacob Hatch-Blog 1-The Perot museum

The Perot museum in Dallas, Texas is a wonderful building that had helped spark my interest in history and science. The wonderful interior design of the building gives the patrons that visit a sense of how big it really is when you first walk in. Also as you walk through the museum with how it is designed you literally walk through the different exhibits to exit once you decide to enter. I think this a amazing idea because as you walk through the building you start to realize how different each science is and literally walk through history as you see all the dinosaurs at the end. With the amount of natural light that this building has is also good as well because it really lights up the exhibits and on your way up to the top of the museum it gives you a wonderful view of Dallas.