All posts by garrettsitzman

Garrett Sitzman – Blog1(Post 4) – Dale Hall, Norman, OK

Dale Hall is one of the buildings that has been huge part of my college experience as a student. The first time I had a class in a huge lecture hall with 200 other students was very eye – opening coming from a high school where my graduating class was less than 200 people. I have had so many classes in there that I have learned a lot from. It is not the most exciting building inside or out, but it gave me a taste for what a college level course looks like for the first time.

Garrett Sitzman – Blog 1(Post 3) – Marina City Buildings, Chicago, IL

The Marina City in Chicago were two of the most interesting pieces of architecture that I have ever seen. The first time I went to Chicago I went on a riverboat architecture tour and I was amazed by so many different buildings, whether it was because of the shear size or the style of the building, yet the Marina City buildings seem to catch my eyes the most.  I was kind of shocked by the architecture itself because I have never seen a building that looked like a beehive before. One of the coolest parts of the building is the fact that the cars in the parking lot look like they are going to fall out yet they seem to not.

Garrett Sitzman – Blog One (Post 2) – My First Job(Waterway)

Waterway Carwash in Greenwood Village in Colorado is a building I will never forget because I learned so many different lessons from that job. I worked there for about a year and in the summers it would be brutally hot, and in the winter it was freezing cold. No matter what kind of whether it was outside, it always seemed like the perfect whether for car washes because of the constant amount of cars that would come through the wash every day. The Line of cars usually wrapped around the whole lot and sometimes would stretch out to the road. Working at Waterway was a great experience for me because it gave me an idea of what the working world was really like.

Garrett Sitzman – Blog One(Post 1) – Coors Field

Throughout my entire childhood and even to this day Coors field has always been a place I cherish going to every time. Besides the fact that Coors Field hosts my favorite baseball team, the Colorado Rockies, I have a great overall experience every time I have been there. From the smell of hot dogs in the air to the roar of the crowd every time a big play happens, it makes you appreciate the feel that going to baseball game is supposed to have.

One thing that I have always appreciated about Coors Field is their constant ability to be one of the newer MLB stadiums yet still has the nostalgic feel that going to an old ballpark has.