All posts by DrakeDetar

Blog 8 – Drake Detar – Teatro Carlo Felice

Teatro Carlo Felice began construction in 1826 in Genoa, Italy. During the second World War a shell from a British ship crashed through the ceiling exposing a huge hole. Later in 1943 the building was further damaged by the war. By the end of the war the theater was in utter ruin, but plans to renovate immediately transpired at the end of the war. Aldo Rossi eventually took over the renovation after the untimely death of the previous architect. He modeled the renovation after the original design of the theater to maintain its integrity and beauty. In 1991 the theater was reopened, 6 years before Aldo Rossi passed away.

Blog 7 – Drake Detar – Scholastic Building

The Scholastic Building is located in Manhattan, New York in the Soho neighborhood. Aldo Rossi original design of the building was revamped by one of his followers, Morris Adjmi. The building replaced a car garage that was originally built in 1954 and its style matched the history of New Yorks industrial and classical style. The building was constructed using a method of building different sets of parts at a time. The parts to each set were developed off site and were then assembled on site. The building has these grey columns that give the building a tough look on the outside that help give the building grit.

Blog 6 – Drake Detar – Landsberger Arkaden

The Landsberger Arkaden began construction in 1996 but soon after in 1997 Aldo Rossi perished. He never got to see his finished work which was completed in 2009.  The building was intended to be a hotel combined with a large shopping center and was located right next to the tram stop S Bahn station Landsberger Arkaden in Berlin. In 1997 the construction sight was under water halting work for 3 years. During this period other shopping centers had opened up causing shops to cancel contracts and move elsewhere. The land was then eventually auctioned off and in 2009 was opened up as a hotel with 557 rooms.

Blog 5 – Drake Detar – Aldo Rossi – Teatro La Fenice

Teatro La Fenice is an opera theater located in Venice Italy. The theater itself has been remodeled twice over the course of its life. The most recent renovations were completed by a number of architects including Aldo Rossi. The theater is lined with art on the walls between balconies and the ceiling has beautiful designs. The colors of the theater are a shade of gold which help make the theater look more high class and rich.  Aldo Rossi inspiration to for his plans of renovation came from a movie that included a scene from the original theater in 1954.

Blog 4 – Drake Detar – Fountain Place

If you have ever been to Dallas you have definitely noticed this building along with the reunion tower. Fountain Place is a sky scrapper that looks like it is made of just glass. The first time I saw the building it made me feel that it pierced the Dallas skyline due to how the building creates an edge at the top. It was amazing the first time seeing it because even though it looked like it was made of glass, it still looked solid and anchored down. The building almost looks as though it is a pentagon but the sides are parallel and way longer than the other sides.

Blog 3 – Drake Detar – Reunion Tower

The Reunion Tower is located in Dallas, and stands out amongst all the other office buildings located downtown. The height of the Reunion tower makes it seem as though it is a landmark. I like the ball design at the top because it reminds me of a water tower, but with a modern twist. I remember the first time driving through downtown Dallas and the Reunion Tower being the first thing i noticed. You can’t look over downtown without admiring the Reunion Tower first just due to its size.

Blog 2 – Drake Detar – Perot Museum

When I first heard about the Perot Museum I didn’t think much of it. That was until I was driving by it one day and noticed the massive set of stairs that seems to be stuck to the side of the building. I was amazed at first because it was hard to understand how it was being supported. The other thing that caught my eye was that the building looked almost sharp in a sense and rough. I thought it was cool to see on the side of the building what looked like brick sticking out from the building to give it a rocky look. The building itself just stands out and isn’t your typical brick building.

Photo Credit: Balfour Beatty

Blog 1 – Drake Detar – Bizzell Memorial Library

The Bizzell Memorial Library is a beautiful building from the outside. The way the architects designed the building helped give it a look that seems like it is an establishment and not just another building that will be remodeled in the next 10-15 years. It gives me the feeling that it is the centerpiece of campus. Whenever I’m in the actual building the way the natural light comes through the tall windows gives the inside a refreshing feeling. My favorite part about the design is the tall doors when you enter and tall ceilings.  It helps the building feel a lot more open which is nice because of the amount of people going in and out.