All posts by dlrltjq

Chanseulki Kang-Blog 8

“Rem” Koolhaas

Blog #8 Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

The Garage museum of contemporary art is located in Moscow, Russia. This building is also designed by Rem Koolhaas and opened in 2015. The floor area is 5,400m2 with 2 stories. This building has galleries, café, shop, roof terrace and more. The construction started in 2011 and was finished in 2015.I love how this building looks from the outside because it almost looks transparent. The exterior of the building reflects the surroundings and creates very cool effect.


Chanseulki Kang- Blog 7

“Rem” Koolhaas

Blog #7 nhow Amsterdam RAI

This building, nhow Amsterdam RAI just opened this year, January 2020. Designed by Rem Koolhaas, the building has 650 rooms, and it is 91 meters tall. Exterior and interior of this building is designed by Rem Koolhaas. The exterior of this building is unique, it looks like 3 pieces of cake on top of each other. I was in Amsterdam when this was being built but I did not get to see the finished building. I like the lighting coming out from the bottom and the top of the openings, it creates a very luxurious look.


Chanseulki Kang-Blog 6

“Rem” Koolhaas

Blog #6 De Rotterdam


De Rotterdam is located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. It is designed by office for Metropolitan Architecture, where Rem Koolhaas is affiliated in. It is located between KPN tower and Rotterdam cruise terminal. The construction began in 2009 and was finished in 2013. The height of the building is 149.1 meters with 44 floors and 160,000mfloor area. This building is used for residency, offices, cafes, and restaurants. I have not seen this building in real life but I would love to when I go back to Netherlands to visit.

Chanseulki Kang-Blog 5

“Rem” Koolhaas

Blog #5 Seoul National University Museum of Art

Seoul National University Museum of Art is also known as MoA, the construction started in 2003 and was completed in 2005. In 2006, the museum was open to public. MoA was designed by Remment Lucas Koolhaas, a Dutch architect. This building is located in Seoul, which is the capital of South Korea. Floor area of MoA is 4,478 square meters, and the height of the building is 17.5 meters. I chose to do a blog on this building because I have been to this museum a couple of times when I lived in Korea. The building is looks like it is laying on the hill, the bottom of the building down the hill and rest of the on the top. I love how this building looks because it is mostly glass that you can see through.


Chanseulki Kang- Windsor Castle- Blog 4

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle is located in Berkshire, England and it is the largest occupied castle in the world. The construction began in 1070 with timber, and it was replaced with stone in the 13th century. Windsor castle remains a working palace, and the Queen still spends time during weekends. It is considered one of the biggest residence in the world and has about 1,000 rooms. The castle looks resistant and durable but at the same time it is elegant and beautiful. When I first saw this castle, I was overwhelmed by the size of the castle. I loved the castle so much I went back the next day.


Chanseulki Kang- Neuschwanstein Castle- Blog 3

Neuschwanstein castle

Neuschwanstein castle is also known as the Disney castle and it is located in Schwangau, Germany. The construction of the castle started in 1869 for the king and when the king died, the castle was open to the public for tours. The castle was under renovation, so I did not get to see one side of the castle, but the castle was still massive and beautiful. I was so happy to finally see the castle that inspired the Disney castle. The castle was so beautiful, I didn’t want to leave.

Chanseulki Kang- Anne Frank’s House- Blog 2

Anne Frank’s House

Anne Frank’s house is the most memorable building I’ve ever been to. Knowing the stories of Anne Frank, I was depressed before I got to the house, and I was even more depressed when I saw the rooms where Anne Frank hid. From the front view of the building, you would never guess there are hidden rooms in the back. I heard that because the building was surrounded by other buildings, no one suspected that there are hidden rooms in the back of the building. This is the most memorable building for me because the exterior looks like any other house in Amsterdam, but inside of the building, you can see how crowded the back rooms was, and the building has such a sad story behind it.

Chanseulki Kang- Bizzell Library- Blog 1

Bizzell Library

Bizzell library is where I spent most of my time while attending University of Oklahoma. The building was built in 1928, designed by the architecture firm Layton Hicks & Forsyth. I first encountered Bizzell during the campus tour, and I was astonished by the details and the size of the building. I like this building because it is grand, and although it was built a long time ago, it doesn’t look outdated. I have so many memories I made from the library, this building will be the first one to remember when I think of my years in OU.