All posts by danna_flores

Danna Flores – Blog 8- Cesar Pelli

The Torre de Cristal is a skyscraper in Madrid, Spain. Cesar Pelli Designed the skyscraper and it was built by Dragados, a Spanish construction company, completed in 2009. This stands at 817 ft tall and the 18th tallest building in Europe with 50 floors above ground and 5 below ground.  The design is very simple but very sophisticated looking. Like a lot of skyscrapers, the it is made of concrete, steel and glass. The coolest part about this building is the angles of the building and the winter garden at the top of the tower. Overall, cool skyscraper.

Danna Flores- blog 7- Cesar Pelli

This is the Transbay Tower in downtown San Francisco. This building is 1,070 feet tall, with 61 floors. This is the centerpiece of the Transbay and the tallest skyscraper in San Francisco. This I was the last building design and completed by Cesar Pelli. It is made of steel and glass with a reinforced concrete core. I think one of the coolest things that you do not see of this building is that it is on a thick foundation mat that protects against liquefaction of soil and seismic activity.  Overall, a pretty skyscraper with glass that reflects off the rest of the city.

Danna Flores- Blog 6 – Cesar Pelli

The Petronas Towers also known as the Petronas twin towers are in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  These were the largest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004 and remain to be the tallest twin towers in the world.  They are a postmodern Islamic architecture, with elements of religious styles influenced my Roam and Persian architecture but also very modern. You can see the religious style at the top of the towers.  There are 93 floors total, 5 are underground.  This building is made of reinforced concrete with steel and glass façade to resemble Islamic art. Another cool part of this is the cross sections of the towers it is influnced by the Rub el Hizb, a Islamic symbol.  Overall, cool building and very pretty to look at, this kind of reminds me of the Burj Khalifa.

Danna Flores- Blog 5 – Cesar Pelli

The Pacific Design Center is in West Coast Hollywood California. This building is the largest building in the surrounding area ans is often called the ‘Blue whale’ due to its size and blue glass.  Pelli’s design opened in 1975 and is 750,000 square feet.  I like the blue glass look on the outside to me it  look like water, but it also allows the people to see from the inside out. I like this building and there is no doubt that the blue grass makes you stare at this building.

Danna Flores- blog four

This is one of my favorite boutiques in OKC. When I first saw it, I was across the street eating at Iguana Grill.  I remember thinking that it was a cool concept, since I had never seen a container used as a business.  The second time I went back to Iguana I convinced my friends to go across and go inside. As you can imagine it was a small space, but it was so cute inside! Because of this is I now want to open some type of business from a container. I think it is such a cool concept and so fun!

Danna Flores Blog post three

The Gateway Arch is in St. Louis Missouri. I Visited the Arch in 2015. I remember when I first found out that we had tickets to go to the top, I immediately felt anxiety, because I fear highest. I also remember walking up to the arch with some of my best friends, at the time, and taking many pictures, but that sense of fear was still there. I remember thinking “how in the world is slide looking thing safe”. Since we had the tickets already, I went up. I remember that was the first time EVER that I allowed myself to embrace where I was at such a high place, and I even enjoyed it! On the inside there was not a lot to do(obviously) but the view was cool!

Danna Flores blog two

Price college of Business, my Second home. I love Price, I don’t think it’s the most beautiful building on campus, but it has good curve appeal. I remember when first encountered Price I felt intimidating and excited at the same time. Price has impacted my life because it is what is shaping me the most as a professional. I do think that Price Hall is one of the nicer and sophisticated halls on campus, but that might be because is the business school. This is one of my favorite buildings on campus, inside and out!

danna flores blog one

This building might not be a very architectural appeal, but I love this building because it was my first home on my own. I learned so much about independence and adult life here. I remember when I first saw it, I was not impressed by the outside, but I remember being so excited to move in and make it my home. I have had some of the best moments in this little apartment building and I wouldn’t change it. Now, when I come home I am always happy to see this place because it is where I feel at peace.

Blog Four- Danna Flores- Thurman J. White Forum


Thurman J. White Forum, is located directly behind Couch restaurants on the University of Oklahoma’s campus.  My first encounter with this building was 3 years ago, where I found myself lost walking inside trying to find where I was suppose to be. For me, this building has been full of happy memories, because this is where many multicultural  events happen and also conferences that I feel have really impacted my time here at OU .  What drives me to write about this building is the layout of the building.  To me, the layout of is a bit confusing, the rooms are in shape of a honey combs and if you were to see a top view of the layout it looks like honey combs connected together to make on larger building. Overall, it’s not the most eye appealing building but I would like to know the reason behind the design of this building!

blog three – Danna Flores- St. Thomas More

St. Thomas More,  a new building on OU’s campus that faces the dorms.  St. Thomas more was recently finished in 2019. My first encounter, was last semester when I attend mass there for the first time since the new building had opened.  Growing up in Southeastern Oklahoma, there was never many kids my age that were catholic, so when I  go to St. Thomas More, I always feel a sense of belonging, because I am surrounded by young Catholics. More than anything, It is a place where I go to find peace . Architecturally, the  church was designed to match the Cherokee Gothic style seen throughout OU’s Campus, with a long isle for it to be a “brides church”.