All posts by cpomeroy11

Blog 2 (4)

Colin Pomeroy

Architecture 3013

Blog Assignment

April 21, 2020

Blog 2 (4)

            For this particular blog, I investigated the work of the French architect and urbanist, who is named Christian de Portzamparc. He has created many well-known structures and buildings, but for this blog, I will be discussing the Les Champs Libres, which is a cultural center located in Rennes, France. This building consists of multiple units including the Library of Rennes Metropole, Museum of Brittany, the Escape Des Sciences, and the Cantine Numerique Rennaise.

The building was designed by Christian de Portzamparc, and was completed in the year 2006. This building was a work of art for many different reasons, and it was built in a very populated area to acquire more attraction. It is located in the center of the city near the railway system, which gives many of the civilian’s easy access to the building. With that in mind, Christian de Portzamparc wanted to design an urban building that had natural aspects to it.  As seen in the image below, the design is incredible. It incorporates a more modern design with the natural elements of the earth. The exterior of the lower portion of the building is made of rock, which connects the building to the earth surrounding it. Also, the top of the building has large structures protruding out of it, and many of those are made of glass. This allows an immense amount of light into the building. This allows for a better work and social atmosphere within the building.

Overall, the architectural aspects of this building are extremely different from the surrounding buildings. This is why this particular building is so unique. The work of Christian de Portzamparc is different from the norm, which is why his designs are so spectacular. His work will continue to impress and inspire people all over the world.

Work Cited:

“Les Champs Libres.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 Jan. 2020,

Blog 2 (3)

Colin Pomeroy

Architecture 3013

Blog Assignment

April 21, 2020

Blog 2 (3)

            For this blog, I observed the work of the French architect and urbanist known as Christian de Portzamparc. He is well known for many structures and buildings, but for this blog, I will be discussing the One57 Tower, which was also known as Carnegie Tower. This tower is located in New York City, and serves as a hotel and luxury condominium complex. This building is over 1000 ft tall and consist of 75 stories. With that in mind, it is now the tallest residential building in the entire city.

The construction on this project began in 2011, and was not completed until 2014. As one can see from the image below, this building is extremely noticeable from all directions. It is much taller than the surrounding buildings and is far more modernistic. The exterior is entirely glass, and throughout the building there are curved edges giving the building a sleek look. Much like the exterior of the building, the interior of the building was designed with modern aspects and designed for the future owners to have incredible views. Thus, the glass aspects of the building were a spectacular design. Although there were many mishaps throughout the building process, this is a building of the future.

This building is one of a kind, and it is possesses an architectural design that is far superior from the surrounding residential buildings. This was only possible because of the intelligence and effort of Christian de Portzamparc. This building will continue to stand apart from others and intrigue high end buyers based off of the spectacular structural designs.

Work Cited:

“One57.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Feb. 2020,



Blog 2 (2)

Colin Pomeroy

Architecture 3013

Blog Assignment

April 21, 2020

Blog 2 (2)

            For this blog, I investigated the French architect and urbanist, who is known as Christian de Portzamparc. He is well known for an immense amount of structures and buildings, but I will be discussing the Philharmonie Luxembourg for this blog, which is better known as Grande-Duchesse Josephine-Charlotte Concert Hall. This building is located in Kirchberg, which is within the Luxembourg district. This building is a concert hall that is used to host over 400 events and performances each year.

The construction began in 2002, and it was finally opened in 2005. Christian de Portzamparc wanted to make this design more of a natural feeling structure by implementing a natural filter with the incredible number of columns on the exterior of the building. These columns also were used as support for the overall building, which can be seen in the image below. The interior of his building is very complex with multiple sections, but the most magnificent section is the grand auditorium, which was designed from the concept of a shoebox. With this in mind, it is able to accommodate more than 1500 people.

Overall, this is an amazing building, and as one can see from the image below, it is a masterpiece. This building not only shows natural characteristics, but also gives modern design aspects that eneded up being stunning together. The columns, which make the building incredibly unique, make a statement that other buildings in the area cannot match. This is a design that will never be forgotten and allow the legacy of Christian de Portzamparc to live on forever.

Work Cited:

“Philharmonie Luxembourg.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Jan. 2020,

Blog 2 (1)

Colin Pomeroy

Architecture 3013

Blog Assignment

April 21, 2020

Blog 2 (1)

            For this particular blog, I was assigned the French architect and urbanist, which goes by the name of Christian de Portzamparc. He is well known for a multitude of structures and buildings, but for this blog, I will be discussing the LVMH Tower located in New York City. This building is the United States headquarters for Louis Vuitton, and was a prestigious honor for one to get to design. The 24-story building, which is located near Madison Avenue, first opened in the year of 1999. Due to the architectural features of this building, Christian de Portzamparc has received an incredible amount of praise from many of the architectural critics from around the world.

The building process began in 1996 and took a little over three years to complete. As one can see by the image below, it was not an easy task to complete. This is due to the location of the building, as it is extremely close in proximity to other towers and buildings. The tower itself is entirely made of glass, and it was constructed in two sections, which consisted of the 11-story base and the remaining 13 floors on the upper section. With that in mind, the glass exterior is made of different styled or colored glass for a more complex and conceptual design. The design of this tower was said to resemble a flower unfolding its pedals, which is seen in the angled glass on both sections. Also, much like the exterior of the building, the interior is made of glass and metal giving it the modernized atmosphere.

Overall, this is a spectacular building and is known as one of the best architecturally designed building within the city. The time and effort that Christian de Portzamparc put into this building was well worth it, as the building is a masterpiece. The elegance of this building is far and above many of the surrounding buildings, and it will continue to keep the legacy of Christian de Portzamparc alive for years to come.

Work Cited:

“LVMH Tower.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Aug. 2019,

Blog 1 (3)

Colin Pomeroy

Architecture 3013

Blog Assignment

March 3, 2020

Blog 1 (3)

            When I look back on the many building I have interacted with growing up, one of the building that was very influential and made a large impact on my life was the gym I attended during high school. This particular building was one I interacted with and used on a daily basis. Whether I was by myself or with friends, I was constantly making memories within this building. The first time I saw the structure, I knew it had an immense amount of potential. This building gave me a sense of inspiration and motivation to better myself.

This gym is known as Lifetime Fitness, and it is located in the southern parts of Tulsa, Oklahoma. When observing the images below, one is able to see the magnificent architectural features if this building and the variety of amenities this particular building withholds. This architectural design features an incredible number of windows, which lets in an immense amount of light. This gives a sense of welcome and made me feel motivated to better my body. Also, the landscaping and the surrounding areas of the gym were immaculate. This made the gym seem more luxurious and inviting. After observing the architectural aspects of the exterior and the interior, I knew this gym would be a place where I can excel in many different aspects and shape me into a healthier human.

With that in mind, this building has always affected me in a positive manner. This is because I have always been persistent in staying as healthy as possible. Going to the gym is something that makes me feel more productive and optimistic throughout the day. It is also a place that allowed me to make many unforgettable memories. In high school, my friends and I would spend most of the day there either playing basketball, working out, or just hanging by the pool. Regardless of what we were partaking in, we always enjoyed our time in this particular gym. This is why this building will forever have a positive influence on my life.

Blog 1 (2)

Colin Pomeroy

Architecture 3013

Blog Assignment

March 3, 2020

Blog 1 (2)

            Throughout my life, I have interacted with a multitude of buildings. One building that was influential to me was one of the elementary schools I attended growing up. This building is one that I interacted with on a daily basis, and I have many memories engrained in my head that I will always remember. From the first day I saw the school, I was unsure about the atmosphere. It was much different from the other schools in the area because it was more modernized and was ran by an entirely new system. Although the architectural aspects of the school were new and far superior from the other elementary schools, this was a building that had a negative effect on my life and caused me to endure many frustrating times.

This particular building is Barnes Elementary School, and it is located in Owasso, Oklahoma. In the images below, one is able to see the more modernized aspects of the school. This school was built in 2014, and continues to be one of the newest schools in the city. Due to the newer aspects of the structure, it attracts kids from all different parts of the city. The main entrance is a large glass structure, which allows an immense of light in. This allows the school to feel welcoming, but after my experience there, I found out that I had the wrong impression about the school.

With this in mind, this building continually affected me in a negative way. This was unfortunate because I always tried to remain positive throughout the situation. I only attended the school for one year, which was good and bad. This was good in the sense that I only had to endure schooling there for a year, but it also didn’t allow me to establish any friendships. Due to this, I did not have many people to rely on and be there for each other in certain situations. For example, I was sent to the principal’s office one day for something I did not do, and I did not have anyone to back me up in the situation. With no help on my side, I had to partake in the punishment, which was detention. This was at the beginning of my time there, and because of that, I was always uneasy about the school. Although there were good memories at that particular school, the negative ones were more influential and something I will never forget.


Blog 1 (1)

Colin Pomeroy

Architecture 3013

Blog Assignment

March 3, 2020

Blog 1 (1)

            As I progressed throughout my life, one building that was extremely influential to me was the school I attended growing up. This building is one that I interacted with each and every day and shaped me into who I am today. From the first day I saw the school, I was amazed by the architectural aspects of the exterior. Also, the surrounding campus had its own distinctive aspects that set it apart from other campuses in the city. Without seeing the interior of the building, I was inspired and knew that it would be an atmosphere that I can excel in and better my future.

This particular building is known as Cascia Hall Preparatory School, which is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As one can see from the images below, this building is an extremely beautiful and unique. This school was founded in 1926 by the Order of St. Augustine, and the first structures of the school were built in the same year. It was originally a boarding school for men only, but in 1986 the school evolved into a co-educational day school. This required the school to architecturally adapt to these changes by renovating the building itself. Most of these renovations remain the same today with only a few additions in the past 34 years. This is what makes the building so unique and picturesque.

This building, and the surrounding campus, always affected me in a positive way. This is because I never failed to create unforgettable memories and experiences each day I attended. Although there were times of negatively, just being surrounded by the building and campus allowed me to continually find the positives in the hard times I was experiencing. With that in mind, another way this building positively impacted me was hearing from those whom saw the school for the first time. There were countless times when others complemented the beauty and the distinctive aspects of the building, which caused me to feel extremely blessed to be able to attend such a building on a daily basis.


Blog 1

Colin Pomeroy

Architecture 3013

Blog Assignment

March 3, 2020

Blog 1

            As I progressed throughout my life, one building that was extremely influential to me was the school I attended growing up. This building is one that I interacted with each and every day and shaped me into who I am today. From the first day I saw the school, I was amazed by the architectural aspects of the exterior. Also, the surrounding campus had its own distinctive aspects that set it apart from other campuses in the city. Without seeing the interior of the building, I was inspired and knew that it would be an atmosphere that I can excel in and better my future.

This particular building is known as Cascia Hall Preparatory School, which is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As one can see from the images below, this building is an extremely beautiful and unique. This school was founded in 1926 by the Order of St. Augustine, and the first structures of the school were built in the same year. It was originally a boarding school for men only, but in 1986 the school evolved into a co-educational day school. This required the school to architecturally adapt to these changes by renovating the building itself. Most of these renovations remain the same today with only a few additions in the past 34 years. This is what makes the building so unique and picturesque.

This building, and the surrounding campus, always affected me in a positive way. This is because I never failed to create unforgettable memories and experiences each day I attended. Although there were times of negatively, just being surrounded by the building and campus allowed me to continually find the positives in the hard times I was experiencing. With that in mind, another way this building positively impacted me was hearing from those whom saw the school for the first time. There were countless times when others complemented the beauty and the distinctive aspects of the building, which caused me to feel extremely blessed to be able to attend such a building on a daily basis.