All posts by brooklynorcutt

Brooklyn Orcutt- Blog 2 (Post 4)- Art & Architecture Building @ Yale

This building is one that Rudolph designed for Yale located in New Haven, Connecticut. This building is their art and architecture building. Construction on this building took place between 1958-1964. In 2008, this building was rededicated to Paul Rudolph and is now called Rudolph Hall. The building is made of concrete. Also, the concrete look on the outside carries into the inside of the building as well. Much of the inside matches the outside with the concrete theme.

Out of all the buildings of Paul Rudolph’s that I saw this was my least favorite.  I really do not like the look on the outside. It is plain and emotionless. The inside of the building seems dark and cold. It does not seem likes place that screams creativity for students majoring in arts and architecture. Most of his other stuff seems creative and modern. This building is an outlier from the rest.

Brooklyn Orcutt-Blog 2 (Post 3)- Wisma Dharmala Sakti Office Headquarters

This Wisma Dharmala Sakti office is located in Indonesia, specifically in the city of Jakarta. The construction of this building took place between 1982-1990. This building goes up 26 floors. It is made up of concrete and steel. There are white tile covering the concrete. This tile prevents the mold that can come with the hot and wet weather conditions of Jakarta. Today, there are some plants on the slants on the outside of the building.

I also really like this building. I like the modern and sleek look that it has. I think the white tile on covering the concrete makes the building look clean. I also like that the people are beginning to put plants on the outside of the building. This falls more in line with sustainable and green buildings that are gaining more popularity. I like that this building has a repetitiveness and pattern to it. This pattern draws me in and is appealing to the eye.

Brooklyn Orcutt-Blog 2 (Post 2)- Lippo Center

The second building I chose was the Lippo Center. It is also known as the Bond Center. This building began construction in 1984 and finished in 1988. The Lippo Center is located in Hong Kong. There are two separate towers with a lobby connecting them downstairs to act as a central meeting point for both sides. Paul Rudolph said that he wanted to use glass siding to act as a reflection for the city lights of Hong Kong. The inside lobby is quite spacious and open, yet it feels dark even though there is a wall of windows.

I really like this this building because it feels robust yet delicate at the same time. The top of it looks interlocking and stable. The pillars holding it up underneath make it seem like it is held up very delicately and simply. Another thing I like about this building is that it looks futuristic. I like buildings that are a little unconventional and have a unique design.

Brooklyn Orcutt-Blog 2 (Post 1)- Orange County Government Center

The architect that I was assigned was Paul Rudolph. The first building that I picked to write about was the Orange County Government Center. This building was constructed in 1963. The location of this building is in Goshen, New York. This building houses several different local government operations. The Orange County Government Center is split into three different parts. These three parts are: adult court, juvenile court, and licensing and government assembly facilities. The building closed down in 2011 due to damage from a hurricane but reopened again in October of 2017.

Although Rudolph intended for the anything related to the local government, it received backlash. Shortly after it opened, people began to complain that it was too small and there was not enough space. People who came to the building also complained that they had a hard time trying to find where they were supposed to go. Also, there were issues with the court rooms being unfit as well. (Courtroom pictured below)

When researching Rudolph this is one of the first buildings that came up. Although it is not strikingly beautiful in regard to color, I still find it appealing and fun to look at. I like the boxy shape and feel of the building. It looks like individual boxes stacked one on top of the other. Even though the building is permanent, the boxes seem as though they could be pulled apart and rearranged, which I think makes this building interesting and fun. I do not really like the inside though. It is dark and it seems really cramped.

Brooklyn Orcutt-Blog One (Post Four)- Oklahoma Memorial Union

The Oklahoma Memorial Union (OMU) holds a special place in my heart for a number of reasons. The OMU is where I spent the majority of my time when I was a freshman. I also have been working in the OMU since I was a freshman at The Laughing Tomato. I studied, ate, and worked there all the time and still do.

I have made most of my friends within the walls of that building and for that, I will always be grateful. Some of the most amazing people in my life have come from working there. Just this year I have taken some big first steps in there this year. I had my first “big girl” interview in there through career services. This building makes me happy because I have had so many positive experiences there. With working and hanging out there all the time, I feel like I have made the OMU my second home at times. The OMU feels like a place that I can be comfortable and always see a familiar place even when I am away from my family.

Brooklyn Orcutt-Blog One (Post Three)-My First Job

This is a picture of my very first job. This was a pharmacy and a tanning salon all in one. There was a door on the inside connecting them.  I began working there in 2014 and worked there until I left for college in 2017. I loved this job so I look back at this building with fond memories because I learned so much here. I learned customer service skills, patience, and the power of a small community.

I loved this job so much because my first boss treated me like an adult rather than a teenager. She gave me a lot of responsibility and trusted me to look after her business after she left for the day. I feel like this job gave me a sense of responsibility and maturity.

There were times where it tested my sanity too. Customers coming into a pharmacy usually do not feel good. Sometimes customers can be impatient and can become upset if there is a delay. So at times, things can become hectic and I had to utilize my coping skills daily. All in all this building helped me develop my professional skills and my maturity.


Brooklyn Orcutt-Blog One (Post Two)- My Home

This is a picture of my childhood home. This building means so much to me in regard to the memories that it holds. I spent the majority of my childhood in this home. I remember moving into this house when I was six years old. My family and I had to spend some time cleaning and fixing up this house to make it our own. This building changed me in the way that my parents taught me a lot of lessons in this house like working hard and listening to others.

When we moved into this house and this neighborhood my brother and I were able to make friends with our neighbors quickly. My house was the house that we usually played at together. My house also had a wooded area next to it so we would often go out there and build forts or climb trees. When we moved in, my parents only had my brother and me. A few years after living there, my parents had my younger sister and my younger brothers. I got to watch my younger siblings grow up there. When I go back and visit it, my family and I reminisce about all of the things my siblings did when they were babies and toddlers.

Brooklyn Orcutt-Blog One (Post One)- Shop Building

This picture is of my dad’s shop building that we built together when I was a senior in high school. My dad always wanted his own place that he could work on cars or other various projects. He finally got a chance to make this dream a reality in 2016. My dad also wanted to build it by himself from the ground up so we went to work on it. It took many months and a lot of hard work but we were able to successfully construct it with help from family and friends.

This building is meaningful to me because it signifies so much time that we got to spend together before I went off to college. One of my favorite memories from building this building is when I skipped school to help my dad pour the concrete slab. That was a long day but I got to learn a lot from him. We still look back on that day and wonder why in the world I would skip school to pour concrete all day. Although there were times I hated this building during the construction, I am so grateful I got to do that now. It was a lot of hard work but it was totally worth it in the end.