All posts by brettlearmont


I decided to add another library by FJMT because it is interesting the two structures they went with.  In my blog 7, the library they designed was designed for the use of the general public. This library was designed for the use of students at the University of Sydney. It is a complete redesign from the other and I believe it incorporates the Universities style into its design. It is small yet open due to the use of glass in this project and takes over every ones point of views while walking by with its unique structure. There is nothing else like it in the world.


This beautiful library makes its home in Sydney, Australia. Just from the outside view, you can see how its luxurious design can make you feel. To me, it looks like no other library I have ever seen before and it would draw me to it in order to get work done. The first thing I notice that is important for a library to have is a lot of open space and windows. This allows the people inside to feel open and less trapped. The design feature and all glass exterior and from the outside in you are able to see the many sitting points they have available. I would love to be able to walk in this place one day.


This is another project the firm worked on. It is a beautiful and stunning piece that portrays exactly what it is supposed to. With it being a memorial, they offer very soft lighting under neath where the names are portrayed in honored memory. With it being outside, it offers a freeing feeling to the viewers along with water to offer the viewers a feeling of tranquility. All these parts play a huge role into the beauty of the project.


Business School and Teaching complex- FJMT, ARCHIMEDIA (Blog 5)

This building is a business college in New Zealand that made FJMT famous. FJMT is a firm “dedicated to design excellence and the enhancement of the public domain”( The business school is a wonderful example of a stunning piece of architecture that draws eyes to its minimalist yet complex design. It also incorporates a stunning amount of natural light with the amount of windows used on this project. I must say, going to school here looks like it would bring happiness with it. It is important to not as well that as you look to the front of the building, it overlooks the Auckland Harbor which the firm brings to life with the building.



This is Prince of Peace Catholic church located in Plano, Tx. I had gone to this church since I was born until leaving for college.  Therefore is was a huge part of my life.  When you walk up to this building, from the parking lot, it reminds you of why you are there with your eyes drawing attention to a cross located at the top of the building. It is a very fulfilling feeling when your eyes draw to the reason you are there. They also do a very nice job in providing flowers and other ascetic pieces.

This building holds so much meaning to me because of the atmosphere it brings. This is where I learned that it was okay to grieve as well as be happy and fully myself. That is such an important thing for me and for others as well. This is that building to me and this church encompasses all of that even by looking at it. A place I will love to keep going back to.


This is Plano West. The Senior high school I went to for junior and senior year through 2016-2018 school years. When you walk up to this school, it reminds me of a college campus in how big it is. Theres greenery as well and you have to go outside to get between your classes. It really was such an amazing experience to have as a student in high school.

This school means so much to me because I never realized how it prepared me for college until I actually got to college. The teachers and staff were amazing and the school was built to have over 3000 students in attendance. This allowed me to graduate with around 1500 students. The ability to have this amount of people in a building made things so much easier to transition from high school to college.


This is La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona Spain. I visited this Gaudi inspired architecture during my same trip back in 2015 and I had to incorporate it even though we had talked about it in class. When you walk in from the outside you were already taken away by the amount of detail in the building and then when you walk in, you are taken away again. It is a wonderful experience to have.

One of the things that meant so much to me, is to see how many people were there to admire the architect who set the plans to build it. It was the first time the name of the architect stuck with me and I have not forgotten about him or that building to this day.

Brett Learmont: BLOG 1 – CAMP NOU

On the field of the stadium

This is the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain. The home field of the Fc Barcelona soccer team. I traveled here in June of 2015 and it took my breath away. When you walk up, they make you know of the history of the excellent team they were and still are to this day. With breathtaking ways of displaying various trophies and pictures of tremendous athletes that have played on this field I am standing before. As you walk into the stadium, you first notice the size and fan base it brings along with it.

These are the things that mean the most to me because it is a meeting point for the fans to celebrate not only what happened in the past but to create history each time the soccer club touches the field. It was truly inspiring to me to see it for myself on that day. I had grown up watching them play and to then see where all those amazing games happened left me feeling blown away. A memory I will hold on to for the rest of my life.