All posts by brettboone3

Second Blog #4

Louise Sullivan Building #4 – Guaranty Building

This is the fourth building that I am writing my blog on, which Louise Sullivan designed. The Guaranty Building is formerly called the Prudential Building. It was built in Buffalo, New York. The building was finished in 1896 and it was an early skyscraper there. The building is established as a National Historic Landmark. This building was also designed by Alder as well. It is recognized as one of Sullivan’s and is an outstanding example of his innovations. Ornamentation is something that I have found to be common in Sullivan’s buildings. According to my research, “the Guaranty Building makes ornament the focus through the use of terra cotta to cover two full exterior surfaces.” (

The Ornamentation on this building was inspired by flowers, seedpods, and, at the top of the building, the spreading branches of a tree. This is something that I find very cool. Sullivan’s use of ornaments makes me think he wanted to bridge the buildings (and some of his other buildings) with the natural world.

Second Blog #3

Louise Sullivan Building #3 – Sullivan Center

This building is another fascinating design by Louise Sullivan. The building is formerly known as the Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company Building or Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company Store. It is a commercial building located in Chicago, Illinois. It was built in 1899. Louise Sullivan designed the corner entry to be seen from both streets State and Madison. The ornamentation on top is also something I find very cool, like the Wainwright Building. Another cool thing I learned about the building was that the Sullivan Center was initially developed because of the Chicago Great Fire of 1871.

Second Blog #2

Louise Sullivan Building #2  – Wainwright Building

This is my favorite building designed by Louise Sullivan and his partner Alder. It is located in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. It was built between 1890-1891. This building was built as an office building for a local St. Louis brewer. This building helped Sullivan be named as one of the “fathers of skyscrapers”. My favorite part of the building is the ornamentation on top. I think it’s very cool. From my brief research, the building is considered to be the first skyscraper to forgo the normal ornamentation used on skyscrapers at the time. This building is now listed as a National Historic Landmark.


Second Blog #1

Louise Sullivan Building #1 

Pictured above is one of Louise Sullivan’s famous buildings. The Auditorium Building in Chicago is one of the best-known designs of Louis Sullivan. The building is a National Historic Landmark, that is known internationally for its acoustics. This building located in Chicago, Illinois. The building was finished in 1889. At the time, the Auditorium Building was the tallest, largest, and heaviest building in Chicago. Sullivan and another architect designed the theatre, which opened in 1889, using the most modern technology at the time, including electric lighting and air conditioning. One fascinating thing in history about the building that I found was that former Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William McKinley gave speeches on the stage. Then on the same stage, years later, musicians such as Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Aretha Franklin, and Elton John performed there!

Blog Four – Bizzell Library – Norman, OK

This place is something that I can honestly say has had a positive influence on me since the first day I came to OU. I am curious as to how many hours I have spent in this special building at my school. This building has given me so much. Everything from study rooms, sources for projects and research papers, printers, computers, IT staff, and so many more resources. I think I can also say that I walk into this building at least five times a week. That is more than any other building on campus. Not only has this place given me so much, which I greatly appreciate, but the building’s design is also incredible. I saw some articles regarding the nation’s top libraries, and the “Biz” was one of the top ones! As a student here at OU, I and others are so lucky to have a great library like this. One of my favorite rooms in the building is the Great Reading Room. At first, when you walk into it the room it seems intimidating. However, I have spent so much time there, now I never feel that way. Now every time I walk into the room and look around, it reminds me of history. I’m not exactly sure why but I think it’s because of how famous and old it is. Even when my older siblings and father were here they went to that room to study.  The Bizzell is incredible!

Blog Three – My High School – Cascia Hall

This school holds a very special place in my heart. I grew up around this school most of my life. My older siblings went to it, and so did I. My house is two blocks down the road as well. The first time, and every time, I look at this place with amazement. This school has taught me so much and has helped shaped who I am today. I attended this school since 6th grade and all the way through high school. I loved it the whole way. It is a Catholic school, where I learned so much about my faith. I met my best friends there, and some of my favorite teachers that I will ever have. Cascia Hall was founded in 1926 and is one of the two only Catholic schools in Tulsa. This place is not only special to me, but the school itself is also awesome looking. It is so beautiful, and in my opinion, it is the most beautiful school in the state of Oklahoma.

Blog Two – Current Residence- Beta Theta PI

This is the current place/building that I live in. It’s the Beta Theta Pi house in Norman, Ok. It’s located at 800 Chautauqua Ave.  It was built in the year 1928. This place is special to me for many reasons. It holds a positive influence on my life.  First I want to talk about the house physically. This house sleeps, eighty guys and one house mother. The house in the front is my favorite part. The six pillars are very cool looking to me. Something that also makes it better is that each of those pillars stands for something, as well as the six steps in front of those pillars. Many people always say it looks like the White House, but I think that is only because of the pillars. Another very fascinating thing about this house is that it is registered as a national historic landmark/place. Anyways, this place holds a special position in me. The people who I have encountered from this place has had an impact on me. I have learned from them, many have become close friends with me, and I have also taught them in ways as well. This place has also given me opportunities that are hard to explain over typing on a computer. My first encounter with this house went like this, “Woah, this house is awesome”. I still hold that view of the house every time I look at it, and it reflects the people who live inside it. They are all awesome.

Blog one – Brett Boone – My Home in Tulsa, OK

This is my house in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My house is located in Midtown Tulsa. This place and building mean a lot to me, especially since it is the building in which I grew up in most of my life. My home in Tulsa has and still does have a positive impact on me. During springtime the house is virtually almost covered by trees and vegetation, and the backyard is 1 1/2 acres. So, there was so much room for me to run around and it also had a basketball court. In the far back, there was a rock water fountain that was almost like a stream. I spent a lot of time outside in the backyard and I made a ton of memories being back there. The back yard also has a pool, which I nearly spent every day in the summer there swimming as a kid. A funny story about my house is that when we first moved in, my whole family (6 of us) moved into the pool house while the house was under some remodeling.  After everything was done, we received an anonymous letter in our mailbox saying that our house looks like Bass Pro! Amongst other things, they also said. However, my family didn’t take any offense to it since we all love it and we love how it looks like a cabin. My family is very much into the outdoors and country.