Blog 1 (2)

Colin Pomeroy

Architecture 3013

Blog Assignment

March 3, 2020

Blog 1 (2)

            Throughout my life, I have interacted with a multitude of buildings. One building that was influential to me was one of the elementary schools I attended growing up. This building is one that I interacted with on a daily basis, and I have many memories engrained in my head that I will always remember. From the first day I saw the school, I was unsure about the atmosphere. It was much different from the other schools in the area because it was more modernized and was ran by an entirely new system. Although the architectural aspects of the school were new and far superior from the other elementary schools, this was a building that had a negative effect on my life and caused me to endure many frustrating times.

This particular building is Barnes Elementary School, and it is located in Owasso, Oklahoma. In the images below, one is able to see the more modernized aspects of the school. This school was built in 2014, and continues to be one of the newest schools in the city. Due to the newer aspects of the structure, it attracts kids from all different parts of the city. The main entrance is a large glass structure, which allows an immense of light in. This allows the school to feel welcoming, but after my experience there, I found out that I had the wrong impression about the school.

With this in mind, this building continually affected me in a negative way. This was unfortunate because I always tried to remain positive throughout the situation. I only attended the school for one year, which was good and bad. This was good in the sense that I only had to endure schooling there for a year, but it also didn’t allow me to establish any friendships. Due to this, I did not have many people to rely on and be there for each other in certain situations. For example, I was sent to the principal’s office one day for something I did not do, and I did not have anyone to back me up in the situation. With no help on my side, I had to partake in the punishment, which was detention. This was at the beginning of my time there, and because of that, I was always uneasy about the school. Although there were good memories at that particular school, the negative ones were more influential and something I will never forget.


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