Villa La Roche – Le Corbusier

Only for the real enthusiasts - Review of Maison La Roche, Paris ...

Villa La Roche is a house in Paris that was constructed from 1923 to 1925 by a French architect called Le Corbusier.  The house was designed for Raoul La Roche, a wealthy swiss banker, who contracted Le Corbusier to design him a house where he could display his art collection as well as a place to live.  This building is an example of Machine Age Architecture which Le Corbusier was well known for at the time.  It also incorporates Le Corbusier’s five-point theory of architecture which was to use pilotis, has an open floor plan, a free facade, a rood garden, and long horizontal windows.  This project was one of many of his projects from this time in his career where he incorporated a minimalist aesthetic to design a modern piece of architecture.  As I mentioned before, the house was built to serve two purposes: to act as a space to live for La Roche and his family and to act as a place to exhibit his expensive art collection.  For this reason, the project was split into two separate buildings.  On one side La Roche had a private apartment and adjacent to that was the section that was created to display his art collection.  The building was declared a historical monument in 1996 and now operates as a museum.  It is also just one of seventeen buildings that Le Corbusier designed that is now a part of UNESCO’s World Heritage List of Architecture sites. 

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