Quinta Monroy Housing – Blog 8

Alejandro Aravena’s firm, Elemental S.A., has overseen the construction of a large amount of housing around Chile. The firm’s main concern seems to be to promote economic mobility in whatever ways they can by building this housing. This is expressed in two main ways by the firm. The first is building small, cheap housing that can be paid for with public funding (see above). The other, more interesting route, is the construction of “half of a good home,” by the firm, that the clients can afford with little cost, that also allows for space for the client to build onto the house later, once they are better able to finance a larger house (see below). Personally, I think these are great ideas, and examples of ways that architects and their firms can have a positive impact on the world in ways that aren’t strictly artistic. I hope that Oklahoma and other places around the world can learn from this strategy and model their own after it.

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