Frank Gehry Walt Disney Concert Hall

The Walt Disney Concert Hall was built finished on October 23, 2003 and has received heavy praise for its unique design and amazing acoustics.  The huge sweeping metallic surfaces have been associated with Gehry’s signature style.  Lilian Disney donated 50 Million dollars to the project in honor of her husband Walt Disney.  The project had a tough road to being finished, especially when the project was shut down in 1994.  But was started up again 2 years later thanks to a press and fund raising campaign.  The design of the inside of the building minimizes the social hierarchy within the audience.  Gehry used a 1/10 scale model of the auditorium to help set up the acoustics with help of some acoustic experts.  The hall was made in hopes of a catalysts for LA’s  downtown.  Overall the concert hall is considered one of the best of its kind and has received a lot of praise for its incredible design.

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