Blog 5 Olivia Kubes Zaha Hadid Building 1

Heydar Aliyev Center,© Iwan Baan

My next four blogs will be about Zaha Hadid’s architecture. I will blog about 4 buildings by Zaha that I find most interesting. For the first building I chose the Heydar Aliyev Center by Zaha Hadid because it caught my eye right away. The way the shape of the building has so many curves and dimension is super intriguing to me. This building was going to serve as an area for the nations cultural programs. This building brings out the Azeri culture and describes how this nation looks into the future. The building is very fluid and quite modern looking. This building is a concrete structure that works and combines with a space frame system. The inside is very fluid and geometrical. The building was made to be inviting and in my opinion it is and it looks super cool. This building was built in … and was made mainly out of concrete, steel structures, and composite beams. And for the space frame, they used a steel-tube-and-nodes system. This building started being built in 2007. If I ever find myself in Baku, Azerbaijan I will definitely want to visit.


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