Reece Reinke – Community College of Rhode Island – Blog # 6

The Community College of Rhode Island in Warwick is a love letter to the architectural style of Brutalism and was said to be heavily influenced by the philosophy of Le Corbusier. Completed in 1972, the campus was designed by the New York architecture firm of Perkins and Will. The campus was designed to house all academic, social and recreation facilities in one building.

The building’s exterior is constructed of concrete and can range up to six stories tall. While I don’t know enough about brutalist architecture to give a professional analysis of how close to form it stays. However, I will say it does reek of what I think brutalism is, from the repeating, simplistic modular elements to the poor window placements, the overuse of cement to the way it terminates into a semicircle , hiding none of the interior building dimensions . It does what it is supposed to do, be so visibly jarring and unnatural that only man could inspire such a building. Nothing in nature could hope to emulate the dread of entering an unholy temple to man’s dominance over nature.

Hope you enjoyed an amateur glimpse of brutalism.

Thanks for reading.



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