Blog 7-Jacob Hatch – Champalimaud Center for the Unknown by Charles Correa

This building is a medical research center in Lisbon, Portugal and is was constructed in 2010. This facility is comprised of two buildings the first having research labs and treatment rooms and the second having an auditorium and exhibition area. The design of this building is very interesting it has curved walls and rounded edges all over and a very open design with large windows, glass walls, and a outdoor amphitheater. When thinking of the design for this center Charles wanted something more from it the sole purpose of this facility is to treat people and he wanted to help with that while also having a beautiful design. Inside are small walk ways filled with flowers and trees with a open ceiling and another would be the view of the ocean outside and this is good for the building because those who could be recovering can feel relaxed here still being able to be with nature without feeling trapped.

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