Blog 6-Jacob Hatch – Jawahar Kala Kendra by Charles Correa

This art center is located in Jaipur, India and was constructed in 1986 and is dedicated to Nehru India’s first prime minister. This building was actually inspired by two people the first being Maharaja Jai Singh who built the city of Jaipur and had two conflicting ideas for the image of the city the ancient Navgraha (the mandala of the nine plantes) and the newest myths if science and progress. The second person is Jawaharlal Nehru India’s first prime minister and when he came to that position after independence he wanted to rediscover India’s past while also moving forward to the future. With those in mind the building design was inspired by the notion of the cosmos and how the city of Jaipur was designed played a part in creating this building.

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