Yadira Torres – Barns Somerset – (Adriana Natcheva) 2/6

Barns Somerset

This barn brings together the aspect of a barn very well by mixing wood and stone throughout the structure. It also has a sense of modernity from the big windows that run along a path; windows that go from top to bottom. This allows natural light to come in, allowing the barn to run from natural sources just how you would imagine a barn to do. This structure brings together everything you would think a barn should have by allowing it to have rustic feeling yet mixing modern techniques to allow better access to Eco-friendly sources. This place makes me feel that a connection between the past and present can still be made without hindering the idea of a rustic vibe of a barn. A barn should not be overrun by modernity or else it loses its value. However, this building was able to mix both of them without overwhelming the modernity into the rustic. The architect was still able to maintain the integrity of a barn and added more to create less. This is definite how the modernization of a barn should look like.

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