Yadira Torres – Basilica De La Sagrada Familia – Blog2/2

Basilica De La Sagrada Familia – Antoni Gaudi

This structure has been in construction since 1882 and is set to be finished in 2030s. Generations have come and gone during the construction of this building which holds so much grace and history.  This place hold years of art and families keeping it together to realize the vision that the architecture had. This piece of art tells a story through its walls and designs. This building is a live representation of the bible and the stories it tells.

Every since I was a little girl I have always wanted to travel to Europe and visit all the amazing places that have been created through out history as well as taste amazing foods from other countries.  Barcelona is one of the many places I wish to travel and the Basilica just makes me want to travel even more. This structure just holds a place in my mind because it is a representation of religion/art/culture/ and dedication all into one. It’s a beacon of hope for all surroundings and it just has an amazing atmosphere that I want to be a part of.  Looking at this structure just symbolizes the creations we can make throughout time; structures meant to last and tell stories.

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