Blog 8 – Joseph Liu – AC Hotel Bella Sky Copenhagen by 3XN

The AC Hotel Bella Sky Copenhagen, also known as the Bella Sky Comewell Hotel, is a 4-star hotel that sits adjacent to the Bella Convention and Congress Center in Copenhagen, Denmark. This structure boasts being the largest hotel in Scandinavia, featuring 814 rooms. The hotel includes five restaurants, thirty meeting rooms, and an 850 square meter workout area. This hotel is often used for conferences and other important meetings.

This hotel is comprised of two towers that reach up 76.5 meters with a 15-degree inclination on both sides.  The height was reportedly smaller than originally planned due to the hotel’s close proximity to the Copenhagen Airport. 3XN pushed to have the hotel to have an ambiance that simple, functional, and also high quality. The interior of the hotel has banned any synthetic decorations in order to stay true to the natural feel. Materials that were used have natural materials, such as wool carpets to smoked oak and leather found in the decorations.

Rosenberg, Andrew. “Bella Sky Hotel / 3XN Architects.” ArchDaily, ArchDaily, 26 May 2011,

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