Blog 2- Kenzie Heggie- Space Needle

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The Space Needle designed by Edward Carlson, John Graham Jr. and Victor Steinbrueck opened April 21, 1962. The Space Needle took exactly 400 days to build and had cost $4.5 million dollars to build. Every year there are over 1.3 million people who visit the Space Needle. The Space Needle stands 605 feet up in the air and is one of the most beautiful and unique building in Seattle Washington. Image result for space needle

I have lived in Washington  my whole life and I have only visited the space Needle twice. The reason fro that is it a place you an only visit so often or else the true beauty of the building fades away with each time you visit. The reason I love the space needle is so beautiful to me is not only because of the pure intelligence of the building itself, or the amazing  views surrounding it but because of the idea that once in you get into the elevator on the first floor it takes only 43 seconds to reach the top floor which is 520 feet int he air. Image result for space needle

The idea of thinking I can go from zero feet off the ground to 520 feet off the ground in 43 seconds hits me deep. It opened my eyes to realizing that in 43 seconds anything ca happen, you could be up in the air, you could change your mind about something, you could meet someone or your life could change. Image result for space needle elevator

The Space Needle is famous for those 43 seconds and i completely understand why it truly is incredible and it has more meaning that what it is doing or given credit for.

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