Architect (John Patrick Picard) Blog 5: Brewster Cheese Corporate Building, by Florian Moser

Brewster Cheese

If you like Swiss Cheese, then the likelihood that it was distributed from Brewster Cheese Inc. in South Brewster, Ohio to your local retailer is auite high. Architect John Patrick Picard was the lead architect in constructing a new 16,000 sq ft. corporate office building for this cheesemaker. It’s a typical office space building with a generic aesthetic-friendly design approach. If I worked here, being near or around the subject of cheese would be a welcome perk for my place of business.

Brewster CheeseExterior of new corporate office building.

Brewster CheeseAnother exterior shot of the building.

Brewster CheeseInterior office space of the Brewster Cheese corporate setting.

Brewster CheeseAnother interior shot.

Brewster CheeseAnd the final parting shot of another interior aspect of the building.

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