Blog 2, Zach Barnard, St. Bartholomew Cathedral

Photo Credit: Jorge Lascar

The Cathedral of Saint Bartholomew located in Frankfurt, Germany was one of the more memorable structures I encountered during my time in Germany. The cathedral is memorable due its grandiose scale and appearance in addition to it symbolic significance. Personally, this building this building has an emotional significance to my family and myself as we had visited this Cathedral after the death of my mother-in-law’s mother. While touring the structure with its conjoining museum, my mother-in-law and her sister were able to identify ways in which details within the building related to the history or Frankfurt and Catholicism.

Photo Credit: David Sanger

When viewing the interior of Cathedrals, I had always understood the significance of the structure; however, after visiting the Cathedral of Saint Bartholomew in Frankfurt, I had a newfound understanding of what the Cathedrals symbolize.

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