Blog 6 – Jacob Schnoebelen – Three Hostels in Baoxi, China – Anna Herringer

Three Hostels in Baoxi is a collection of hostels in a village in China. The intent of the project was to show that safe, beautiful, and humane architecture can be made with bamboo.These hostels utilized local labor to weave bamboo and use rammed earth. The costs were minimal compared to modern costs and left the majority of projects with the local community.

These hostels- named the Dragon, the Nightingale, and the Peacock- are all built with different designs, but each including a weaved bamboo outside with a mud and stone core. They utilize fire to heat water and inside the core when necessary, where the facility units, stairs, and an attached sleeping unit is. The woven bamboo outside provides a nightshade style look. These hostels are another unique way that Heringer has utilized local labor with natural building resources, providing an excellent example of a sustainable building.

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