Blog Four-Evans Hall

I first came to OU my freshman year of high school. Evans hall was my first glimpse, into what OU had to offer. I was so impressed at the architecture of the buildings on campus, and Evans Hall remains as one of my favorites. It initially reminded me of a castle, and it left a profound impact on my mind. I remember walking by, and just being so breath-taking at the massive building. I walked by the tree stump, read the inscriptions, and just knew that this would be the place I called home.  I began my OU journey solely on the impression that Evans Hall gave me. Evans hall on its own has a rich history. Stories of it burning down three times, students attempting to rescue their records and transcripts, and the historic rebuilding are all very interesting stories that showcase the history behind these buildings. Most recently, Evans Hall housed a sit-in protest over the alarming actions of OU Professors. The sit-in was a profound statement that black students and their allies demand better. Many of these students were my close friends, and I was inspire by their tenacity to stand against racism, injustice, and lingering oppression. This sit-in made national news, and I was so inspire to see it accomplish many of its goals.

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