Blog Three-Gaylord Family/Oklahoma Memorial Stadium

The stadium represents so many things for me. As a member of OU’s Spirit organization, I have spent countless hours at this stadium, and in preparation for the various game-day events and traditions here. This picture was taken during our nationals practice in 2019, and remains as one of my favorite. The stadium holds so many memories, emotions, and feelings that are very close to me. I found a family through this organization, and my time on the sidelines at the football games offered me a home. This stadium gave me so many highs, and lots of challenging lows, but in the end, the journey itself through this stadium, has been incredible. I have flipped in this stadium, studied in the Gautt study center, taken naps in the halls from exhaustion of the games, ran the entire field, thrown t shirts, launched t shirt cannons,  grown with my teammates, screamed at the top of my lungs, lost my voice, danced to two different concerts, and so many more memories. This place is spiritual for me, and I’ll always save a special place in my heart for this stadium. Boomer Sooner.

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