Blog 5, Lindsey Crews, Museum of Literature

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The Museum of Literature is located in Himeji City, Japan. It was built in 1991 by Tadao Ando. There has also been an annex built since then, in 1996. The Museum of Literature was built in  order to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of Himeji City becoming a municipality. It is located on a hill, close to the Himeji Castle. The Himeji castle is one of Japan’s cultural treasures.

The museum was devoted to philosopher, Tetsuro Watsuji. It displays material relating to this philosopher as well as eight other writers and philosophers that are from the region.

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The museum consists of two different buildings, both designed by Tadao Ando. The main building, was the first part and was completed in 1991. A separate but still connected Annex was completed in 1996.  Both of them are in a traditional Japanese style pavilion, the Bokeitei.

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