Blog 4-French Quarter- Samuel Dunham

When I was younger I went to New Orleans and got to experience some of the food and historic areas. I was only 17 when I went, so I did not get to experience the nightlife or anything to cool, but I still got to look around the city. The French Quarter architecture stood out to me. I could not tell you anything in architecture terms but in layman terms, it was cool. Obviously I was young, so I was not looking too deep into the reasoning behind why the buildings looked the way they did. The building I am posting a picture of stood out to me, it reminded me of some movie that I cannot put a finger on. When I think back to being there and taking this picture, I feel a certain sense of nostalgia. New Orleans is a happy and goofy place, with lots of character, I think the feelings that this building represents for me are happy and goofy as well.

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