blog one-Danna Flores- Durant High School

I graduated from Durant High school in 2016. I was part of the first class to complete all four year of high school in the new building since the building was finished in 2011.For reference, Durant is one of the largest schools in Southeastern Oklahoma, with capacity of 1200 students ( I know small compared to other schools), but schools like these are not seen around my home town.  The first time I entered the building I was impressed; on the inside everything was new and modern, but my favorite stops had to be the library, the stairwell and the entrance.  The library and one of the stairwells can be seen on left side of the picture above where you can all the windows, it always made me feel happy to be able to look outside while walking to classes throughout the day. The entrance was my most favorite part about the whole building because it reminded me of a high school you would see in a movie or something because of the tall pillars. I like this building because this where I met many of my lifelong friends, the best teachers, and the best community. I also had a lot of special moments inside of this building some happy, some sad, and some exciting. For example, the happiness of winning basketball games but also the feeling of disappointment of losing or finding out that I would be the captain of the dance team, senior year, but also dancing on a stage for the last time. Lastly, prom the last time, before graduation, that our class would be together in the same place celebrating each other. There was a lot of growing in this building from me personally, but it also signified that our town was growing.


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