Blog 4 – Oklahoma Memorial Union

The first time I visited the Union was around the age of ten, while my brother still attended OU. At that time I had only every been in the Molly Shi Boren Ballroom and my favorite part about the whole place was the red telephone booth outside. Once I came here, I was able to learn more about it. Especially as a food worker and UPB member, I get to see places of the Union that are typically restricted to the public. One of the cool places is the “hidden” floor between the first and second floors where plenty of cleaning supplies are kept. It’s not pretty or fascinating, but the concept itself is pretty cool. There is also the really old giant elevator that requires special instructions to work. It’s super creepy but also very gross. The basement itself smells awful, but has plenty of stored supplies. The newer section of the building is the Conoco, which just happens to have completely no janitor closets in it, making it incredibly unfortunate for the janitorial staff. There is also a room in the actual clock tower that I hope to visit someday with Ms. Tontz. The Union also happens to have a minecart in the basement with a tunnel, my hypothesis is that it connects to Monnet Hall, but I can’t confirm this.

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