Olivia Kubes-Vatican Palace-Blog 4

As I mentioned on my third blog, Italy was a trip of a lifetime. And as I also mentioned in a previous blog that by being catholic and getting to visit buildings with catholic significance I feel closer to my faith, visiting the Vatican was breath taking. I always grew up hearing my family members and relatives tell me stories of when they visited Italy and some saw the Pope and the Vatican and I thought that was so cool. I never thought I would get the chance to do so myself! On my study abroad trip we had a choice to go see the Pope give a blessing or to go to the catacombs. As cool as the Catacombs seemed I wanted to live out one of my bucket list goals and see the Pope. The Vatican itself gives such a presence of power but in a good way. Even though it was massive and very luxurious looking, it made me personally feel at home, welcomed, and like there was truly something holy about the place. Which, obviously there is but I felt it too. Walking through seeing the perfectness and the story telling of the Bible everywhere really brought everything to life. When I went to the blessing it was raining outside and thousands of people were gathered outside to see the Pope come out onto the balcony to speak and give the blessing. The building of the Vatican proves itself to b e holy, respected, a place to gather, a place to worship, a place to be welcomed, and a place of perfection. Hearing the Pope and seeing him come out from the building was so un real. The emotion that architecture is able to bring to people is quite amazing. Because of its structure and presence people of all religions and cultures are intrigued by it and respect it. I think it was overall one of the best experiences of my life and made me feel so connected.  This picture is from the inside when walking through surrounded by art and windows with such brightness and peace. It was so amazing everywhere I looked. (I took this picture myself!)

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