Blog 3 – Monnet Hall in Norman

Monnet Hall is located on the North Oval, right next to the Union. It was a building that took me a year to go explore, but when I finally got a job at the Western History Collection I was able to see places where the general public is not allowed to enter. The entire building was built in two sections and one is older than the other. Unfortunately, it is not ADA Compliant because there is no elevator on the front end of the building, which is the half where the library lives. The library is incredibly nice and is home to so many books both on the first level and the second level. There, it is quiet but not as quiet as the Great Reading Room in Bizzell Memorial Library. My least favorite parts of this building are the stacks where all the manuscripts live and the very bottom floor. I would bet this building is haunted because there is a kitchen in the basement that doesn’t work and many of the workers would say how creepy noises come from it. There is also a second basement in the one of the rooms in the basement that has a tunnel that no one is allowed into. The vibes are incredibly eerie in that building, but I loved working there. I get scared easily so anytime I would have to pull manuscripts I would either sing loudly or put headphones in.

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