Blog 1

A building that has a lot of significance to me is my high school Edmond Santa Fe. It had definitely influenced me in a positive way, despite how I may have felt while attending. But all jokes aside When I first encountered this building I was a 16 year old in his sophomore year of high school. it had initially seemed a lot larger that it was looking back, but it had a repetitive design. There were squeaky rubber tiled floors, as well as rough short carpet. When thinking back to that experience there is a feeling of comfort because that was a place I would spend the majority of my time I grew quite accustomed to it. There is a deep nostalgia when I reminisce about it, walking there from my neighborhood and seeing the football stadium in the distance was always a sigh of relief. Now, being a college junior, I go home occasionally and see my old school and the additions they have made to it in astonishment. I believe that I will always get this feeling because of all the memories that building holds personally.

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