Trinity Hudson- Sea World- Blog 2

Sea World is an aquatic amusement park in San Antonio Texas. It is part of the top 10 attractions in Texas that provides people with more knowledge of marine life. Though the park voluntarily canceled showings of killer whales in 2016 to prevent animal suffering and unethical captivity, Sea world still offers many other fun activities.  When I went there, it was mandatory in my family that we ride all of the rides, including the horrifying roller coasters. The scariest one was the Steel Eel. We were not allowed to do anything else in the park until I rode it and in the very front. After nearly vomiting on everyone behind me, my family and I would enjoy the other marine life in the aquatic rooms. There were fishes of all kinds in these huge aquariums. Being an animal lover, this sight was breathtaking every time. They had another park called Aquatica that was a water park. There are different parts of the park such as a kid’s area and insanely big water slides. Sea World was the best place to go when I was a kid. When I think of the times my family and I would go, I would remember how simpler things use to be. I would think about how my childhood and how happy my family was when spending time together.  If you’re ever in texas, go to Sea World.


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