Sagrada Famillia (Blog 4)

The Sagrada Familia is one of the most important buildings to me because of the way it impacted my view on architecture.  The building was designed by Antoni Gaudi in 1883 and is still being constructed. Gaudi combined both Gothic and Art Nouveau design when planning the Cathedral. Since Gaudi’s death, some of his original design plans have been destroyed and engineers spent roughly sixteen years reconstructing the original plans so that they can keep building as close as possible to the original design. The building had an impact on me because of the different styles of architecture that it uses and because it is the first big piece of architecture that I have seen outside of the United States.  The different design was something that I had never seen before and something that I never would have expected for a cathedral. I recently read that it is supposed to be complete by the year 2026 and hope that I can visit again someday to see the finished product.

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