Blog 4 – Dale Murray – Growing Up

This is a picture of my first apartment at The Ave and when I signed the lease for this apartment was the first moment I felt like a real adult because I was working almost full time to make enough money for rent and that this place was mine. Even though I shared the apartment with four others I didn’t have to share a room or a bathroom with anybody and I felt like I had my own personal space that was all mine and mine alone. This sense of ownership came with a sense of belonging and I felt that there was always a place for me to retreat to if I ever need it. I remember moving into the apartment was a strange and new experience because unlike in the dorms where you only had a small bed area to call your own, here I had plenty of space. With this change however there came the realization that I need things that I never needed in the dorms, like silverware, plates, lots of food and many other things. Even though this realization that I wasn’t fully prepared was frightening, I was optimistic and looking forward to the challenge of living in my own place.

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