Charlotte Kostecka – Blog 3 – Clear Brook High School

Clear Brook facade before construction
Clear Brook facade after construction

I went to the same high school all four years, and as with many others, I have a lot of memories here and a sentimental connection. I am very sentimental, and tend to put a lot of emphasis on symbols that remind me of memories. The funny thing though is that my high school’s building itself is not sentimental to me at all. I think a large part of the lack of attachment I have to the building stems from the fact that it was under construction when I began going to the school freshman year. One of the main areas that was under construction was the front of our school so the façade is different. I remember having to go to the assistant principal’s office freshman year, and the entire front office section no longer exists because it was torn down and replaced with a completely different layout that had more space. There were also classrooms that were added onto the back of the second floor on the back of the school and there was also an entire wing added to the back. Because of this construction, the building I went to high school in has changed immensely since I first attended.

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