Tyler Tadlock – Blog 1 – Prague Castle

Prague Castle was one of the most amazing and mysterious buildings I have ever been in. After a month studying abroad in Italy freshman year I went to Prague to get on my flight home. I was waiting there for three days so I decided I would walk around the city. The castle was amazing it was a sprawling expanse of connected  buildings that all shared in the classic Chech style and in the center of the palace is this church. you walk through this small corridor (I assume to make you feel constricted) then it opens right in front of the two big towers on the right of the photo above. I hope you can see it in this attached video ED3D38A5-EAB6-4542-9CDB-DD7BEDAD144E. The mystery comes from me being alone, because of that I didn’t know anything about the building or its history I could really only take in the architecture itself. which was very different than Italy where I was where we were walked around these buildings and told the significance of every little thing.

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