Charlotte Kostecka – Blog 2 – Home


As with many people, my home is very special to me. I was born and raised in Houston, Texas, and moving here was the first time I have been away from my family. Unlike many of my friends, I’ve never moved and have lived in the same house since I was born. For the majority of my life my aunts and uncles have also lived in the Houston metropolitan area, so moving up here to Norman was not just me moving away from my parents, but also out of the only house I’d ever lived in and away from all of my family. While it has been hard and I miss my family and my house, I still love it here. When I think of growing up in my house, I think of one specific doorjamb that leads to the hallway by my bedroom. Ever since I was little my parents have marked my height and age on this doorjamb, and it is very sentimental, especially since I have no siblings. My parents have discussed moving at some point in the future and taking that piece of the doorjamb and keeping it. It’s also pretty cool to see old pictures from when I was a baby or before I was born, sometimes with people that passed and I never knew, and to know exactly where that picture because I know where in my house it was.

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