Hiroshima Children’s Peace Monument

While studying abroad in Japan, I had the opportunity to visit Hiroshima. One of my favorite pieces of work there is the Children’s Peace Monument. It was originally created because Sadako Sasaki,  a child that had Leukemia and decided to pass the time by folding origami cranes. A Japanese legend says that whoever folds 1000 origami cranes will have their wish granted by the gods. Sadako’s wish was to have a world without nuclear weapons. This girl’s story became popular and she ended up passing away due to her leukemia. Children from across the nation held rallies and fundraisers to try and build a monument dedicated to all children lost from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. On top of the monument stands Sadako Sasaki with a giant origami crane. Students from Hiroshima had a field trip to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial and were able to visit the Children’s Peace Monument and hold a moment of silence and pray for all those affected by the Hiroshima bombing. I enjoy this monument because I think that this monument displays hope in achieving a world without nuclear weapons.

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