Broken Arrow High School – Josh Benn

Broken Arrow High School…GO B-A! (or something like that). My Sophomore year at BAHS was the first year they had completed all the new additions and renovations to Oklahoma’s largest high school, as you can see from the picture. It was a bit unnecessary, to be honest, and I’ll explain why but, nevertheless, it sure does stand out and look pretty cool! Anyway, the big addition to the front of the school really catches your attention from the outside but on the inside, it was mostly useless space. Long hallways and high ceilings are what millions of dollars paid for, not to mention a varsity shop to buy overpriced clothing and a coffee shop to buy overpriced coffee. Don’t get me wrong, I love BA and I loved my high school years but lately, I feel like BA is spending more money on flash than on substance and the students are the ones paying for it (not literally but figuratively) what do we get out of the renovations? We park in the back, so we don’t even get to see the front of the building most days and those big long hallways are perfect for bowling in between classes. But Let’s take it back though, if we are looking solely from an architectural standpoint, it’s a very cool addition that takes you far away from the old contemporary prison cell looking High School design and I thank the architects for making high school almost look like a glimmer of hope.

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