Chase Sumner – Atlanta Aquarium – Blog #3

The Atlanta aquarium is one of my favorite places to visit, due to the feeling of wonder I get every time I visit. The first time I came here I was just 7 years old and was fascinated and obsessed with sharks. The aquarium had only been open a few months at the time, so everyone was still excited to see it. I remember the line was the longest line I had ever seen even to this day. It felt like we would never actually go inside the huge building. We eventually got in and I was amazed, the tanks were huge with what felt like hundreds of thousands of fish swimming in the crystal-clear blue water. The reason why I was so excited was because the Atlanta Aquarium was the only one in the world that had whale sharks in captivity. The first time I saw them it was inside of this tunnel with a moving floor that took you right under the tank. I was in awe of just how large the whale sharks were. They looked like they were bigger than my school and seemed as if they were swimming so effortlessly. I remember being so happy to see them, that I spent probably an hour just staring at them and watching them swim. This was easily my favorite vacation we had taken as a family at that point and I will always remember the feeling of joy and how ecstatic I was seeing the larges sharks in the world. I have been back once since that day and it was just this past January, and it still made me lose my mind over how amazing that building still is. Again, I spent at least an hour just looking at the whale sharks and was still in awe of their shear size. That is why I will always be excited any time I get to go to my favorite aquarium in the world.

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