Chase Sumner – Gaylord Memorial Stadium – Blog #2

The Palace on the Prairie will always be my favorite place on OU’s campus. The first time I came here I was only 8 years old as my family has always been OU fans. I remember walking to the stadium with people holding signs that said, “We got Ducked”, as we had had a controversial loss the week before to the Oregon Ducks. I also remember seeing the jumbotron and how I had never seen a screen that big. The game was a blowout, we played Middle Tennessee that day and we ended up winning 59-0. The best part was Adrian Peterson had a great game and scored what seemed like almost every play. I will always remember that day so fondly as it was my first time getting to experience one of the most amazing atmospheres in the world.

This stadium means so much to me as it was where I felt the most joy throughout my time here at OU. I have attended countless spring games and attended every home game during my 4 years at OU. Every time I walked into that stadium, I got goosebumps. To hear all 86,000 sooner fans screaming and yelling for the whole game always gave me chills. There were losses here, but those cannot ruin the memories I have of us winning games with a sea of crimson and cream surrounding Owen field. There are some plays that I can still close my eyes and see like a movie playing in my mind. I will always remember my last home game here at OU. We were playing TCU, and we had gotten out to a big lead. Then we let them come back and make the game close, but the play that won us that game was when Brendan Radley-Hiles intercepted a slant over the middle and ended the game. When the game was over, I just stood there in the stands looking at the stadium and the field. It was hard to leave knowing that as a student this would be my last game at Gaylord. That is why this is my favorite place in the world, Gaylord Memorial Stadium.

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