Blog one – Brett Boone – My Home in Tulsa, OK

This is my house in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My house is located in Midtown Tulsa. This place and building mean a lot to me, especially since it is the building in which I grew up in most of my life. My home in Tulsa has and still does have a positive impact on me. During springtime the house is virtually almost covered by trees and vegetation, and the backyard is 1 1/2 acres. So, there was so much room for me to run around and it also had a basketball court. In the far back, there was a rock water fountain that was almost like a stream. I spent a lot of time outside in the backyard and I made a ton of memories being back there. The back yard also has a pool, which I nearly spent every day in the summer there swimming as a kid. A funny story about my house is that when we first moved in, my whole family (6 of us) moved into the pool house while the house was under some remodeling.  After everything was done, we received an anonymous letter in our mailbox saying that our house looks like Bass Pro! Amongst other things, they also said. However, my family didn’t take any offense to it since we all love it and we love how it looks like a cabin. My family is very much into the outdoors and country.

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