Chase Sumner – Sarkeys Energy Center – Blog #1

Sarkeys Energy Center is what I consider my home away from home. As a petroleum engineer, I have had close to 75% of my classes over the last 3 years in this building. The first time I saw this building I was up for a scholarship and had to interview in Sarkeys. I remember looking at the height of the building and being intimidated by its large frame. I also remember being lost and confused in its complicated hallways and numbering. I remember riding the older squeaky elevator all the way up to the 12th floor. The only view I had was away from campus, so it wasn’t the best view in Norman. When I left Sarkeys that day, I had no idea how much I would grow to hate the tall brick building in the corner of campus.

I have had no shortage of bad memories inside of Sarkeys, spending hours at a time without ever leaving. Inside these walls I have gotten a 14, and a 12 on two separate tests. I still somehow passed both of those classes with C’s. I can remember staying in the computer lab studying for finals until 4 in the morning on some days. I have memories of having panic attacks due to a test that I knew I was not prepared for. This building represents so much struggle and pain that I had to endure to receive my degree. There are some good memories, I had successes inside this building with multiple semesters of mostly A’s and one or two B’s. I always liked going to the bottom floor to the coffee shop inside of Sarkeys and how friendly the staff was after I had gone 3 times a week for semester after semester. In the end, Sarkeys will always remain a major part of my life here at OU whether I want it to or not. I cannot wait for the day I can leave this building in the past and in my memories as I drive away one last time.


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