Blog 3 – Ashley Rodriguez – Library of Congress

For my senior year of high school, I was allowed to choose a place that I wanted to visit, so I decided on Washington, D.C. I really enjoy history, I know kind of weird, but it always fascinates me how everything came to be, and so I wanted to be able to see how America came to be. My family and I went to many places, but the Library of Congress was one of my favorites. Every single part of the building seems to have been built with precision in mind. From the entrance, the two main staircases, to the main reading room, it was surreal. It felt like I was in another world. It was very intimidating to be in such a big room full of so much history.

Like many other people, the main reading room was my favorite to view. It is a two-story circular room full of literature, desks, and holds figures of men and women who represent: Religion, Commerce, History, Art, Philosophy, Poetry, Law and Science. Painted on the ceiling, on the highest part, is a woman in the middle of two cherubs. This is meant to lift the veil of ignorance, move toward intellectual progress and persist in our pursuit of perfection.

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