Blog 1 – Dale Murray – Home

This building has probably impacted me the most out of all the buildings in my life, it is the house that I grew up in for 16 years of my life and where my mother still lives. When I was two my father left my brother, my mom and me and the next thing I remember is my mom was introducing this brand new place, that would become home, to our to me and my brother.  This house is full of meaning for me because it represents my childhood and my family and it will always hold a special place in my heart for me.

When I first entered this house I was still so confused about what was happening because of all of the changes but I remember how much I loved the soft fluffy white carpet and how tall the ceilings were compared where we use to live. I remember that when my mom told me that I would get my own room and not have to share with my baby brother I was so excited that the house just seemed to be the biggest present I had every received.

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