Payton Torres, Notre Dame, Blog Post 2

This is the Notre Dame building in Paris. The Notre dame is considered a catholic cathedral, and was finished being built in 1260. The cathedral is one of the most widely recognized symbols of the city of Paris and the French nation. Last summer, my family and I vacationed to Paris, and the Notre Dame was my favorite building that we toured. At my fist glimpse of the building I was in awe. I noticed the structure of this building was so detailed and so different to anything I had seen before. My family and I decided to walk into the building to get a better look. The inside of the Notre Dame was unbelievable. Candles were lit everywhere and there were so many people inside, looking at all the rare symbols on the walls. My favorite part about the inside of this building was the lighting. There were so many different uses of natural lighting inside the building that really interested me. Overall, the Notre Dame cathedral was one of my favorite buildings that I have gotten a chance to see in person, and I recommend it to anyone who may find their selves in Paris.

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