Cale Hayes – Blog 4 – Adams Center


My final personal blog that I will write about is Adams Center. In my opinion, this is one of the worst visually pleasing, and worst functional buildings on campus. On the exterior, it is divided into four sections, and it makes the mind wonder why it was designed in that way. It is very bland with the red brick, and it makes me appreciate the other buildings on campus much more. The interior is not much better. Once you walk into the lobby, it is very confusing on where you must go to get to your desired destination. The walls in the lobby are very dull as well.


This building is personal to me because this is where I lived during my first year of college. Not only was the lobby bland, but once you went up to the rooms, it got even worse. In the hallways in route to my room, it felt like I was in a prison. It was a very small hallway with no decoration, and low ceilings. The rooms were small, as most dorm rooms are. However, some of the rooms were not maintained well, so bad in fact that mold grew in some AC units, and made some of its residents very sick. Overall, this is a very confusing and dull building that I spent a majority of my freshman year of college.

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